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Warren Buffet Wealth

I attended one of the seminars during the Investfair08, bought this book and have it autographed by the author himself, Mr Robert P. Miles.

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The strategies and techniques of THE investment legend Warren Buffett Wealth follows the world's greatest investor from the beginning of his career, as he takes a 100-dollar investment and turns it into one of the most successful multibillion-dollar companies in the world. By carefully detailing how Buffett began his career and discussing what he learned from Benjamin Graham, this book reveals the true secrets to Buffett's success. Readers will see how Buffett reached the pinnacle of his profession by following certain key principles such as investing in old-style traditional American companies, holding the companies forever, and hiring and keeping the same managers.

List of Contents

Chapter 1: Study the Best to Be the Best.

Chapter 2: The Making of a Billionaire: A Timeline of Warren Buffett’s Wealth-Building Lifetime.

Chapter 3: What Kind of Investor Are You?

Chapter 4: Developing an Investment Philosophy.

Chapter 5: Know What You Own.

Chapter 6: Invest in Main Street, Not Wall Street.

Chapter 7: Buy to Keep, and Buy a Lot of a Few.

Chapter 8: How You Can Learn from Buffett’s Investment Mistakes.

Chapter 9: Common Myths about Investing, Wealth, and Buffett.

Chapter 10: Five Investment Principles from the Next Warren Buffett.

Chapter 11: Warren Buffett’s Lessons on Having a Rich Life.

Chapter 12: The Journey of a Lifetime.

Appendix “The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville”.

Recommended Reading.


About the Author.

Robert P. Miles ( is a writer, speaker, and consultant. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan Business School and has been a shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway for a number of years. He is the author of The Warren Buffett CEO, a book Buffett recommended to his shareholders, and 101 Reasons to Own the World’s Greatest Investment: Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway (both published by Wiley). Miles has presented Buffett Wealth workshops on three continents. He has recorded How to Build Wealth Like Warren Buffett, and hosted several Buffett CEO talk television programs. He resides in Tampa, Florida.

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